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Student Committee to Enhance Learning

 The Student Committee to Enhance Learning is a group tasked with recognizing obstacles to student learning, analyzing data, and recommending solutions. The committee will work to amplify student voices in each step of the process. The area of focus is set yearly by the Student Body President. This year the committee will focus on Teacher Course Evaluations. 

This committee shall gather information regarding Teacher Course Evaluations (TCE), analyze, and offer formal recommendations to the Office of the Provost. The purpose of the formal recommendations shall be to encourage student completion of TCE and increase transparency of TCE results. 


The formal recommendations shall be a comprehensive evaluation of the student perspective with the direct influence of student feedback.


TCE should be used to improve the quality of learning for students by making changes rooted in student feedback. The committee shall consider the student concerns and priorities as a whole when creating recommendations and the differences in evaluations across colleges, courses, and biases in TCE. 


The goal of these recommendations shall be to amplify the student voice in Teacher Course Evaluations and encourage course adjustments based on student wants and needs inside the classroom.


More information and the application can be found on BBNvolved. Applications are due October 31 at 11:59. 


Questions may be directed to

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160 Avenue of Champions, Suite A267

Lexington, KY 40506 - 0676

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