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Legislative Branch

The Senate is composed of one senator elected from each college as well as a mix of undergraduate, graduate, and freshman representatives based on recent enrollment statistics. Senators serve from the time they are sworn in by the Chief Justice until the time that the next Senate is sworn into office unless they resign or are impeached. The Senate is comprised of the following committees which are described in more detail below: the Appropriations and Revenue Committee, the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, and the Operations and Evaluations Committee.

Operations & Evaluations Committee

The Operations and Evaluations Committee evaluates the effectiveness of UKSGA programming; reviews legislation affecting the structure of the UKSGA Governing Codes; approves executive appointments and refers these to the full Senate; oversees the action following the passage of legislation; evaluates active members of UKSGA, if necessary.

Academic & Student Affairs Committee

The Academic and Student Affairs Committee reviews and drafts resolutions concerning changes or recommendations to academic policy; identifies university-wide academic issues and drafts appropriate legislation to the Student Senate and University Senate; works for the betterment of students, campus, and academic experience by drafting resolutions on behalf of the student body.

Appropriations & Revenue Committee

The Appropriations and Revenue Committee reviews and approves the budget of the UKSGA; reviews and grants allocation of money to registered student organizations as designated by the UKSGA Budget in accordance with viewpoint neutrality; monitors the allocation of funds by the UKSGA; reviews and approves any legislation that has a financial impact.

©2024 by University of Kentucky Student Government Association

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